Your Support 
Makes A Difference

Add your voice alongside fellow Canadians who believe that those with a long-term or chronic disabilities should have access to housing, professionals, caregivers, programs and technologies, all provided through a publicly funded national disability insurance program.
Three people are sitting on the grass. Th person on the left has long dark hair, purple shirt and darker complexion. The person in the middle has Down syndrome and also has a purple speckled shirt, jeans, long dark hair and white complexion. The person on the right has short grey hair, white complexion and a white collared shirt.

Our Vision

Every Canadian Counts (ECC) is calling on Canadian governments to work together to develop a national funding program to ensure essential disability supports are available to all Canadians living with chronic, long-term disabilities. ECC includes individuals living with disabilities, caregivers, advocates and support organizations.

With ongoing effort through Bill C-22 (An Act to reduce poverty and to support the financial security of persons with disabilities) and the Accessible Canada Act, now's the perfect time for the "next big thing" to support Canadians with disabilities, similar to what's already been accomplished in Australia through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) - and we can't do it without you.

Recent Updates

6 September 2023
Bridging the Gap

How the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Address Disability and how a National Disability Insurance Plan could be the means by which we can finally support the needs of the disability community in Canada Introduction   For the purpose of this brief, and recognizing there are 2 very distinct ways the disability community wishes to be […]

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25 April 2023
The Australian Advantage: Speaking with One Voice

A working example from Australia of the creation of a system wide National Disability Insurance Plan where the challenges and issues of implementation provided such great teachings and lessons learned.

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7 February 2023
The Economy Post-COVID: New Directions for the Federal Government

It is not enough to win a war. You must also win the peace that comes after. For Canada it will be, post COVID 19, winning the hearts and minds of a traumatized population that never wants so many of its populace to bear such costs nor feel so vulnerable again. We have been here […]

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